B.Sc. Degree in Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering is an engineering profession responsible for optimizing complex systems or processes taking into consideration the achievement of stated objectives of improvement such as profit enhancement, waste minimization, productivity increase, quality improvement, etc. The Dual Study Industrial Engineering Program (DSIE) is a four-year program offering the engineering student the mechanical, electrical and management skills needed in any industrial facility.
Credit Hours 165
Theory credits 140
Practice Hours 25

Goals & Outcomes
The DSIE program aims at preparing a distinct experienced generation of graduates through cooperation with the private sector. They are not only characterized as creators or innovators in their field, but also as capable and unique engineers in a world of accelerating technological and economic progress. DSIE graduates will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and appropriate skills for a decent place in the world of leadership, excellence and business to enable them to take the wheel of evolution, and continue the march of advancement and prosperity in Palestine.
The DSIE program aims at developing students to become multifunctional industrial engineers capable of working professionally and understanding the requirements and needs of their work environment.
The DSIE graduate will be able to understand and operate the following applications and systems:
- Mechanical applications (Mechanical Drawing, Statics, Dynamics, Hydraulics, Thermodynamics, Mechanical Machine Design, Maintenance, etc.)
- Electrical systems and related electrical control systems (Basics of electrical and electronic systems, Electrical Motors & Generators, Control systems, etc.)
- Basics in business and management practices (Production & Operation Management, Accounting and Cost Accounting, Sales & Marketing, etc.)
Job Opportunities
DSIE graduates can be employed in the fields of: Operational management, Production management, Procurement and supply chain management. Warehouse management. Quality Control & Quality Assurance. Maintenance, Project management, Logistics and Research and Development